Anonymous Players





Production Details

176th Production - The Prisoner od 2nd Avenue a comedy by Neil Simon

Presented at Lowther Pavilion - 24 to 27 April 1991.

Directed by Ron Tinker.





Outline of Play

When Mel is made redundant he starts to fight a battle with the environs of New York: the pollution and the paper-thin walls of the high rise apartment. When his apartment is burgled and his psychiatrist dies with $23,000 of his money Mel has a nervous breakdown.

It is on recovery that we come to esteem him all the more. For Mel and his wife and people like them have the resilience and the grit to survive.







Mel Edison

Ian Edmundson


Edna Edison

Joy Banks


Harry Edison

John Kitchener



Di Prutton



Heather Town



Bobbie Hodkinson








  Stage Crew


Stage Manager

Martin Drury



Michael Ward



Paul Buxton


Set Design

Stephen Green


Properties / Costumes

Members of the Society